
Anastasia was 6 months on June 30, 2022

Some milestones:

She is crawling! And she’s fast!

Her personality is coming through - and she’s so feisty!

Her favorite toys are teethers, dumbo, and an interactive music toy.

Our current routine winds up a little like this: 7am wake up, nap at 10am, nap at 1pm, nap at 5pm, sleep at 7:30pm. We visit Grammy and Papouli throughout the week, and visit Yiayia on Sundays. She’s taken communion like a champ every time we go to church. She’s already been to three weddings.

Summer has been kind. :)

She’s so feisty - we had a lot of fun taking these photos!

Victoria Smyrniotis

Artist, Photographer, and Designer based in the San Francisco Bay Area.


8 Months


Grammy & Papouli’s Anniversary