3 Months of Charlotte

3 Months on May 29, 2024

It’s been some of the busiest days of our lives these past few months - from renovating, to health scares, to transitioning from a family of three to a family of four. Charlotte has been the calmest baby through all of it. She loves being rocked. She loves being held. She loves eating. She’s only three months but she already fits into 6 and 9 month clothing! Such a sweet little babe.

At three months, she can already roll over! She’s found her hands and her thumbs. She loves crinkle books. She cranes her head to look at the TV if she can hear it. She loves being in my wrap. We love her so much. 💗

Victoria Smyrniotis

Artist, Photographer, and Designer based in the San Francisco Bay Area.


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