Christmas 2022

Anastasia is 10 months here, November 6, 2022

She is so wild, fast, and stubborn.

We’ve transitioned to table foods and purées. She loves avocado, apples & prunes, smashed up banana, and her yogi bites. She goes wild for puffs. Her favorite toy is her walker that sings as she walks up and down the house (a hand-me-down from cousin Evelyn who still enjoys it every time she visits Grammy and Papouli). She loves napping in her stroller when we take an afternoon walk. If she’s not napping there, she’s watching all the different surroundings as we walk through the park and neighborhood. She’s so inquisitive.

She LOVES children. But she gets overwhelmed by them if they’re too loud. We did our first trip to church solo last weekend (well, ‘semi solo.’ Peter was busy teaching while I was alone with her in the pews during church). It was sweet that so many people helped us out. Maryann, Olga, and Elizabeth took turns holding Anastasia in the back room so I could take a break. And Taki would help open the doors for me as I came down the aisle with my hands filled with Anastasia and her diaper bag. I’m so grateful for this community who helps us so much.

We’re gearing up for her first birthday at the end of December, and it’s a little bittersweet. Christmas will be her last ‘first.’

Her first Thanksgiving yesterday went beautifully. We had breakfast at Yiayia’s house with her cousins and Thea Tina and Theo Sergio. Then we had dinner at Grammy and Papouli’s with Auntie Erica, Theo Christopher, Thea Ellen, Cousin Evelyn, and Becky. She tried her first pumpkin pie (not her favorite), and stuffing, yams, potatoes, etc.

Christopher took these photos for us at Vasona a couple of weeks ago and I edited them. I’m grateful to have these fun memories. :)

Victoria Smyrniotis

Artist, Photographer, and Designer based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Anastasia’s First Christmas

