Charlotte Rose - 4 Months

The last four months have been a whirlwind of home renovations, doctors appointments, all the mens’ birthdays in our family in the month of April (whew!), Easter, Mother’s Day - whew. Things are starting to settle down in some ways and I feel like we can look around and breathe again.

This is a season of joy for our family. Anastasia is taking her first ballet classes. What a joy it is watching her learn how to follow a class directive and join in on a collective task. The twirling to piano arrangements of Disney songs is also a thrill to see.

Charlotte has just started rolling over and is about to crawl! You put her on the floor and she’s already halfway across the room before you even know it! She loves chewing on her fingers, toys, and blankets. She’s found her thumb and can often be found sleeping on her tummy with it in her mouth.

I feel like we’re finding our day to day rhythms. Anastasia loves books, especially before bed. She especially loves halloween and pumpkin books (who did she get that from!). She’s very interested in her ABCs and drawing at the moment. But her absolute favorite thing in the world is playing outside. We’ll start working on Greek together at home, as well as swim classes once she’s officially 2.5 years old (per the pools rules).

My goal has always been to make a large picture book of all my entries in this blog, and I’ve been slowly chipping away at that. I’d love to share it with you once it’s printed. Grateful for the privilege to have my family.

Victoria Smyrniotis

Artist, Photographer, and Designer based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Happy July Fourth!!


Filoli Gardens