5 Months

Anastasia is 5 months on May 30, 2022

Anastasia was baptized on June 5, 2022 - we’re waiting on the photos from that event to share! :)

She is growing so much and doing so many more new things.

  • She rotates now on the rug. We’ll put her down, she’ll roll on her tummy, and when we aren’t looking, she’ll go from the right side of the rug to the left side to grab the shiny tag on the toy.

  • She smacks her lips - kind of like a kiss :) She blows us kisses while we eat our breakfast

  • She plays by herself for a long time now. She just LOVES laying on her tummy and sucking on her little teethers

  • We think she’s really teething now, poor thing. She rubs her silicone toys on her gums to the point where they squeak!

  • We still don’t have a firm routine, but we do have rhythms. She takes a nap in the morning and a couple of naps in the afternoon. Her favorite napping place is in Grammy’s arms while they watch Lady and the Tramp or The Mickey Mouse Club House.

  • She’s a cuddle bug. :)

Victoria Smyrniotis

Artist, Photographer, and Designer based in the San Francisco Bay Area.


Anastasia’s Baptism


4 Months